Delta Variant is Different – It’s the NEW COVID 19

Covid 19 vaccine

and more specifically on its receptor binding  domain that’s the part of the spike protein.  

that binds to the ac2 receptor on the cells in  your body the delta variant mutations help it . 

bind more efficiently to the ac2 receptor and  also allows the virus to enter the cell easier . 

also its mutations allow it to better evade the  body’s immune system the delta variant has caused . 

covid cases in the u.s to rise over 300 over  the past month along with similar increases in.  

hospitalizations and deaths the delta variant  is estimated to be at least 60 percent more.  

transmissible one cdc document suggests the delta  variant is about as transmissible as chickenpox . 

with each infected person infecting on average  eight or nine other people now compare that to  .

the original strain of covid which was about as  contagious as the common cold with each infected.  

person infecting two others on average studies on  people infected with delta variant showed that the . 

fully vaccinated had as much virus in their bodies  as unvaccinated people did that doesn’t mean worse.  

infection though if you’re vaccinated but the  significance of having those higher viral loads.  

is going to mean higher transmission  of the virus either vaccinated or not . 

even if they don’t have symptoms it’s why the  cdc says that even vaccinated people should wear  .

masks in areas of sustained or high transmission  also a study in china found that viral loads of  .

people infected with delta were 1000 times higher  compared to people infected at the very beginning.  

of the pandemic and delta transmits in four days  compared to six days when you compare that to.  

the original strain now there are three somewhat  older studies from canada singapore and Scotland.  

showing that people infected with a delta variant  are more likely to end up in the hospital so does . 

the delta variant make unvaccinated people more  prone to dying compared to the original strain.  

hard to know since there are currently no  studies showing that one way or another.  

it’s also trickier to answer this question  because you’re comparing apples to oranges you’re.  

not only comparing different strains but with the  original strain no one was vaccinated in 2020 also.  

in the beginning of the pandemic we weren’t  using things like dexamethasone and tocilizumab.  

two drugs that we now use to treat covid  because we know that they reduce mortality.  

with the mrna vaccines we have pfizer and moderna  they’re about 95 effective at preventing serious.  

covit illness so we know that even before  the delta variant emerged they’re going to.  

be breakthrough cases the cdc released a study  examining an outbreak in massachusetts where 74.  

of people who got infected had been fully  vaccinated and four of them ended up being in the.  

hospital now testing showed that the delta variant  made up 90 of those cases but overall still most.  

of the virus is spread by unvaccinated people the  cdc reported a total of 6500 breakthrough cases.  

including 6200 hospitalizations and 1200 deaths  as of july 26th now at that time more than.  

163 million people in the u.s were fully vaccinated  against covid but here is a pretty impressive . 

stat less than 0.004 of people who have been  fully vaccinated experienced a breakthrough.  

infection resulting in hospitalization and less  than 0.001 percent have died from the disease.  

in the early stages of the pandemic my sickest  patients in the icu were mostly older people with.  

chronic health issues or younger patients but they  were obese or had diabetes but now with the delta.  

variant things are looking different recently  i’ve been seeing more patients in the icu who have.  

chosen not to get vaccinated in their 30s in their  40s their 50s most of them were otherwise healthy.  

all of them not vaccinated just yesterday a  patient of mine was a guy in his early 40s.  

otherwise healthy now he’s still in the hospital  getting the most amount of oxygen he can without.  

a ventilator and he’s scared because he’s on the  brink of requiring a breathing tube a ventilator.  

he didn’t get the vaccine and i asked him why not  and there’s one word he gave me he said stubborn.  

so then i asked him if he regretted not getting  it and he said yes and this is the case throughout . 

the country we hear all these stories in the news  of people who became seriously ill with covid and.  

then they regretted not getting the vaccine  janine is speaking out now because she wants . 

people to know how much she regrets not getting  the vaccine a decision that nearly cost her her . 

life i was one of those people that was like i  can’t believe people are just gonna just inject . 

their body with this medication there’s we don’t  know enough about it now i’m just like it’s just a . 

shot just get the stupid shot that vaccine could  have stopped all of this just one little shot . 

and i feel foolish that i didn’t get it which  by the way just because you get a double lung.  

transplant doesn’t mean that you are out of  the woods that man will be immunosuppressed.  

for the rest of his life so that his body  doesn’t reject the transplant about half of.  

americans remain unvaccinated unvaccinated people  make up 97 percent of all covid hospitalizations.  

and 99.2 percent of deaths hundreds of americans  are suffering or dying every day from a vaccine.  

preventable illness and some say well if they  refuse the vaccine and die then that’s on them.  

but it’s more than that there are people who  can’t get the vaccine at least not yet like.  

children less than 12. then you have people who  are immunocompromised and they don’t get that same.  

protection from the covid vaccine as compared to  those who are not immunocompromised then you look.  

at the financial costs of being hospitalized with  covid big hospital bills mostly paid for by the . 

taxpayers the fact that we still can’t ditch masks  but so far the vaccines have saved an estimated.  

275000 lives and prevented over 1 million  hospitalizations in the u.s alone and by now we.  

all hear about the misinformation out there that  deliberately twist the truth or flat out lies or.  

misleads people well that has consequences people  struggle to make the best decisions for themselves.  

and for their loved ones people can die as a  result of false or misleading information and that.  

was part of the reason why i started this youtube  channel in the first place before the pandemic . 

i wanted to provide accurate health information  to combat the sea of bs floating out there.  

and it’s also why the u.s surgeon general dr  vivek murthy has called covid 19 misinformation.  

an urgent threat to public health but in reality  it’s been an urgent threat since the beginning.  

whenever i have patients in my pulmonary  clinic who tell me they don’t want the vaccine.  

i listen to the reasons they give me it’s  typically things like the vaccine development.  

was rushed or has it been studied enough or that  it’s not yet fda approved now this is despite the.  

fact that the vaccine was assessed for safety  in over 70000 people in the initial Pfizer.  

and moderna clinical trials the vaccines met the  fda’s rigorous scientific standards for safety . 

effectiveness and manufacturing quality that’s  required to give its emergency use authorization.  

or eua then you look at the almost 350 million  doses of vaccine given in the u.s so far.  

overall they’ve been shown to be very safe and  very effective so right now it has the fda eua . 

but the full fda approval is coming soon probably  in a couple months that process takes time that’s.  

always been the case for those who aren’t willing  to get the vaccine because they don’t want to be.  

guinea pigs now many of those people are willing  to take medicine that’s either much less studied.  

or proven to be either unsafe or ineffective for  example patients in arkansas who ran to the pet.  

store to buy ivermectin gel thinking that’s  their solution for covid pretty much every.  

therapy that hospitals have used to treat covid  like dexamethasone remdesivir hydroxychloroquine.  

and monoclonal antibodies like bamlanivimab and  tocilizumab the studies on those drugs pale in.  

comparison to the vaccine studies because of the  much smaller numbers to draw from and with the.  

evidence that we do have the only ones that  really have shown benefit are dexamethasone.  

and for very severe covid tocilizumab and that’s set men might be concerned that the vaccine could.  

mess with their sperm counts or sperm quality  that has been proven to not be the case many.  

young women might be concerned about infertility  or miscarriage or breastfeeding despite there.  

being no evidence to support those concerns  actually there’s a lot of data showing that . 

the vaccine is safe before and during pregnancy  and it’s recommended by both the american college . 

of obstetricians and gynecologists and the  american society for reproductive medicine now . 

on the contrary actually getting covid presents  a real risk to mother and baby pregnancy increases.  

a woman’s risk of having severe covid they’re  also more likely to go into premature labor and.  

their baby is more likely to require admission  to the intensive care unit the only true medical.  

exception to not getting the vaccine is if you’ve  had a severe allergic or immunological reaction.  

to any of the components of the vaccine like  polyethylene glycol outside of that we know.  

that it’s very safe and very effective in the key  to getting past covid it’s only a matter of time.  

before a new variant emerges that will render  our current vaccines useless so until we reach.  

herd immunity we’ll be in an ongoing battle of  updating the vaccines to fight the new variants.